Tag: Low-Maintenance Office Plants

5 Plants So Low-Maintenance They’re Almost Artificial

Bringing a bit of green into the office doesn’t have to mean adding to your already long to-do list. With low-maintenance greenery, you can enjoy the benefits of a biophilic design, such as improved air quality and boosted productivity, without the stress. Sound too good to be true? Here are some plants that are so easy to care for that… Read more »

Maintaining Your Moss Walls

If you have a moss wall, you know how low maintenance they can be. But, like every living thing, they still need some care to stay at their best. At Kim Parker Plants, our moss walls are preserved- meaning no regular maintenance is required. However, there are a few key measures you can take to… Read more »

Our Top Choices For Low Maintenance Plants

Woman watering house succulent plants - Echeveria, Pachyveria, Havorthia.

It used to be thought that to have low-maintenance plants, you needed to purchase plastic plants. However, this is not the case- you don’t have to sacrifice beauty for easy upkeep! Many of the plants we offer require low maintenance, and each of them are vibrant and beautiful. Below are some great low-maintenance options for… Read more »